2020 Banquet Recap

Dear friends and family and faithful supporters,

On behalf of our Ride Nature team, I want to thank you all for your faithful and generous support of the work that we are leading. For the hundreds of you in our local area who were able to join us for the banquet, thank you so much for coming out and being a part of making this our best banquet to date!

Praise God that through His provision, we were able to raise a little over $105,000 the night of the banquet alone and incredibly since then we've raised a little over $55,000 to equal a total amount raised of $160,000+! God is so good and so faithful! 

If you partnered with us financially, we are so thankful and humbled by your generosity. You are a vital part of what God is doing here in our community and to the ENDS of the earth! Our total fundraising goal for 2020 with new projects and endeavors is $289,450 (there is a breakdown of this below). We are blown away that we are over half way there but we still have some needs that we’d like you pray about joining us in. Under the give link below we've listed a few of our ongoing financial needs if you'd like to pray about partnering with us through one of those. 

We want to thank you again for your Gospel partnership and your investment in the kingdom of God! Whether you're able to give $5 or $5,000, your support is a HUGE blessing to our team. We would like to ask that you continue to pray for us as we work to impact the world through action sports outreach, evangelism, and discipleship! Please contact us with any questions of if you'd like to learn more about one of the projects we are working on in 2020 or if you'd like to get involved. We love you all!

To the ENDS,

Mark Koch // Executive Director 