With the goal to equip leaders globally with tools and resources for action sports ministry, the vision is to see a Ride Nature headquarters in every region of the world. We believe that Brazil is the home for this space in South America!
With each headquarters committed to Gospel saturation in the community it exists, it is through serving the local community that we are excited to invite others in to be trained, equipped, and empowered to them return back to theirs to do the same. The harvest is so extremely plentiful in Brazil and it is our hope that from a centralized location we can focus on serving not only the country of Brazil but the entire continent of South America.
We are excited to share that we have been awarded a $50,000 matching from the National Christian Foundation and have until March 31, 2025 to raise the additional $50,000 in matching funds. Our total fundraising goal to see this headquarters launched is $200,000. We have currently raised approx. $9,000 toward this goal and still have $41,000 left to raise.
To make a donation toward this goal you click the GIVE link below.
Over the course of 2025 and into early 2026 we are working on identifying and building out our South America leadership team to help launch and lead this base. These staff positions include;
Executive Director
Director of Discipleship
Director of Outreach
Business as Missions Director
At least (1) single male RA/Local Outreach Leader
At least (1) single female RA/Local Outreach Leader
We believe these 6 staff positions are critical to the launch of this new facility and base. It will be through this team that we plan on solidifying the location of the future home for Ride Nature Brazil.
Over the course of 2026 will be focusing on training, equipping, and preparing our leadership team to launch. During this time we will also be focusing efforts on raising funds for the launch of the base and to help cover the first 24 months of operational expenses.
Our goal is to see the new base launched by the fall of 2027 at the latest with the discipleship program launching January 2028.
The staff will be the most essential part of the development and launch of this new base. Below you’ll find links to a basic overview and job description for each of the positions we are hoping to fill.
If you’re interested in APPLYING TO BE A PART OF THIS LEADERSHIP team, joining the future discipleship program, or volunteering to serve in Brazil in some capacity, please use one of the links below.
“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
ACTS 1:8
In an effort to continue building friendships and while also pioneering new relationships and casting vision for our plans to to launch the South America HQ, we would love to invite you to join us for our of our monthly “Drop In” call!
In this 1 hour zoom call, you’ll hear a brief devotion, update on the ministry, some goals and vision for the upcoming year, as well as updates on where we’re at with the search for leadership, future HQ location, etc.
The zoom link is below with the details. We look forward to hopefully seeing you soon on one of the calls.
This is no doubt a bit overwhelming for us as we continue to pioneer into uncharted waters to see new locations of Ride Nature established globally. We have learned so much through the launch of both Nicaragua and California and hope to continue to exercise wisdom and discernment as we pray through where the Lord is calling us next. Despite the uncertainties and the numerous questions, we truly believe with God all things are possible.
The launch of this new location will be critically dependent on the support of many. From one time gifts, new monthly partners, volunteers, and the staff who will be leading the operations, it will take a team to bring this vision to fruition. We have always strived to operate the ministry on an extremely minimal budget, with low overhead expenses and the majority of our staff and team raising their own financial support, it is our hope and goal to do the same in South America. One of our biggest desires as we continue to move forward with future locations is the desire to see successful business as mission models established at each HQ with the hopes of creating partial financial self-sustainability while also complimenting our local outreach efforts.
Your financial support is crucial to the launch of this base. To make a donation online you can click the link below or to mail a donation, please make it payable to “Ride Nature” and mail it to our Florida offices at 2464 2nd Street - Fort Myers, FL 33901. Thank you so much for partnering alongside our efforts to see the world impacted through action sports!
to the ENDS of the earth . . . until every ear hears

Through several trips, prayer, and discernment it is our current thought that the HQ would based out of the Sao Paulo area, ideally on the surrounding coast near a local surf break.