Tuesdays on North side of Oceanside Pier | Tower 2. TIME IN THE WORD @ 8AM. SURF BEFORE OR AFTER!
SUNSET SESSIONS | 2nd Wednesday of the Month at North Jetty | Oceanside Harbor. Sunset Session with time in the Word around a bonfire.
While we are still in the foundational stages of the launch of the California base, we couldn’t be more proud of our leadership team. We are praying with expectant hearts that the Lord will send additional workers to serve alongside our team as we continue to expand the outreach we are leading and grow the reach that we have in Southern CA and the nations. The harvest is so plentiful in California and we would love to invite you to pray about joining our team to serve alongside our team.
To support one of our staff or students a part of the discipleship program you can you can do so by clicking their picture or the GIVE link at the bottom of this page.
Executive Director
Director of Business Development
Local Outreach Leader (Single Male)
Local Outreach Leader (Single Female)
Our California Advisory board is made up of leaders with both a passion for the Lord and a heart for the Action Sports community. In 1 Timothy chapter 3, Paul talks about the requirements and expectations of an elder. As a ministry seeking to advance the Gospel and to do so in the most Biblical way possible, we look at our advisory board in a very similar light and hold them to the same accord. This team of leaders are helping to guide and lead the launch of the California base and our leadership team as we serve both the community in which we exist and the region of the world we’re a part of.
JAKE KINNEY // Oceanside, CA
JULIO MARIN // Oceanside, CA
BOB PINARD // Carlsbad, CA
WAYNE REDMOND // Huntington Beach, CA
BOB MABRY // Huntington Beach, CA
With the vision of equipping leadership with tools and resources for action sports ministry, the California headquarters is serving Western North America while our team is committed to reaching our local community, empowering a new generation of leadership, and serving overseas through short-term trips/teams with our international partners.
California has always had a special place in our heart. With numerous friends, organizational partners, not to mention the birthplace of the skate and surf culture all in one place, what’s not to love? But with the organization originally being founded and launched out of Florida, California many times felt like it was on the other side of the world.
For years we prayed about the vision of setting up a second location in the United States for Ride Nature. The goal was to replicate the ministry on the West Coast, to share the role of training up and equipping leaders, to create a space to disciple young people, and ultimately lead by example in the ways we are doing so by being a light in the community that we exist. We are so excited to share that the Lord has answered this prayer and we are currently in the process of launching Ride Nature in California early 2023.
We would love to invite you to join us in prayer, financial support, and/or potentially joining our leadership team as either a volunteer, discipleship student, full-time staff, and/or a community partner. We are so excited to create opportunities to unify those with a heart for the Lord and a passion for the action sports community. We have no doubt CA will present countless opportunities to do so!
The vision of launching a new headquarters for an organization is no easy task. To pioneer something new, establish a new donor base, engage community partners, link arms with local churches, etc is a task that we are relying on the Lord for His strength to bring together.
The goal for the CA headquarters is to increase the opportunities to train up, equip, and multiply a new wave of Christian leadership in the action sports community globally. We will begin with those in the community in which we exist and from there, the region of the world that we are located.
We can’t do this work without you. We are relying on the generosity of individuals, churches, and ministry partners as we pursue the next steps in the launch of this new base. While we strive to operate on an extremely minimal budget with low overhead expenses, it is our goal to utilize the funds we receive to the fullness of their potential. We would love to invite you to partner with us as we work to be the light of Christ both in our local community as we strive to impact the world through action sports!
To make a donation online you can click the link below or to mail a donation, please make it payable to “Ride Nature” and it can be mailed to 4695 Los Alamos Way UNIT D, Oceanside, CA 92057.
The strength of the work that we are leading is heavily supported by the regular and consistent ministry partnerships that we have established. We are so grateful for those who are backing our efforts both in our community and around the world. We couldn’t do this work without them!
UNIT 302