With the mission and vision of equipping leaders globally with tools and resources for action sports ministry, we are currently working on setting up regional headquarters for Ride Nature in (10) strategic locations around the world.
The goal is for each of these locations to embrace as many forms of action sports outreach as possible to maximize the ability to train and empower leaders in the surrounding areas.
Each headquarters would be preferably located in a low cost/Christian friendly country and near a densely populated urban city with easy access to travel within that region.
At each of these locations we would be leading a low cost or free 3/6 month discipleship program, lead regular and consistent local outreach, and focus on training and equipping leaders in that part of the world.
With a desire to have a strong community presence and create additional opportunities for training, each location would also operate a “business as mission” model such as a surf, skate, or coffee shop that would be used to create sustainability and better equip those that we are investing into.