Space Coast CityFest 2021

Earlier this month a few of us drove out to the east coast to skate in a demo along with motocross riders and X-games BMX riders. The boss man (Mark), staff members Brandon and Derek, and the homies Alex and Coty and I were slam packed into a 15 passenger van with a ton of products to toss and high stoke to skate at Space Coast City Fest. With little-to-no expectations for the park set up to skate, as well as not much of a plan for the way our weekend would look, we were all just really looking forward to skating anywhere we could. We arrived at the festival the first day and saw a giant plywood platform as a floor on top of this big field of grass. With our minds boggled on how we would possibly skate the park on wood, we continued to help set up the big metal ramps that later turned out to be a pretty sick pop-up skatepark. We spent the first night skating the course and watching guys on dirt bikes fly 40 feet in the air. We hit up a couple different skateparks in the area the next morning to warm up before the demo which started around 4:00 and not long after we pulled in, hundreds of people filled this huge field to watch us goof off and skate. The demo was a bunch of fun and I could talk about the good times that we spent with each other, but I think I speak for all of us when I say that the most incredible part of the weekend was watching the Gospel being preached to a crowd of hundreds of men, women, and children, and seeing them respond to hearing the word of the Lord and take the first step of their faith to acknowledge they are sinners in need of a savior. 

“It will be said on that day, “Behold, this is our God; we have waited for him, that he might save us.” Isaiah 25:9

This is our hope and our prayer for every one of them, that some of them might be saved and this is what I rejoice in from the trip.

– Jacob Domingo, Discipleship Intern

Ride Nature