Thank you so much for taking an interest in supporting our family as we continue to walk in the will of the Lord for our lives. As a follower and servant of the Lord Jesus, it is an honor to serve Ride Nature as the Director of Outreach. I count it as a blessing to be entrusted with overseeing Local Outreach in and through our team here in south west Florida. Lauren and I are extremely grateful for all of your prayers and financial support. As we have a growing family expecting our 3rd child due in July, and the inflated cost of living, our budget for 2025 has increased. From looking at our budget, we estimate that we will need about $600-$1000 more in monthly support to provide for our family. We would love to invite you to join in what God is doing through becoming a monthly financial partner of ours. You can trust that your financial investment in our family is being used to grow the Kingdom of God, share the gospel, and make Disciples of Jesus to the ends of the earth!

Thank you for supporting us through your prayer and finances as we seek to give our lives to God’s leading.

Brooks Driver // Director of Outreach
770.570.0699 (cell)


  • Pray that Lauren and I would continue to pursue the Lord and follow in His will.

  • Pray for the pregnancy to go well with a healthy baby and healthy mom.

  • Please pray that Zephyr, Reed, and our future child will come to know Jesus and that Lauren and I would raise them to serve the Lord.

FInancial Needs:

Current Monthly Support: $2,519

Monthly Support Goal: $3,500

Donors Needed To Reach Our Goal:

(Only $1,000 away)

1 Donor at $500 a Month

1 Donors at $200 a Month

2 Donors at $100 a Month

*Any donation is very appreciated. This breakdown just helps give an idea of how much we need to meet our goal, and how you can support financially.

Click “PARTNER WITH US” below to start supporting financially.


1724 Park Meadows Drive #3 Fort Myers, Florida 33907